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Automating Commerce

About Us

AtmComm was created to provide small and medium size business the ability to increase productivity through automation worldwide.  Our prices are less than half any other company can provide in the country.  We feel it should be easy for customers to reach worldwide, sell anything legal from anywhere to anywhere in any language using any currency. Our products and services require no programming or design skills and are always affordable. The customer is always in control of the content and design. If the customer wants a content change, there should be no need to wait for a support team to make a change. We can quickly create eCommerce Online Stores and all stores are supported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We automate all office work flow in a fully paperless office.We also do internal automation, including document management and flow, integrating accounting, finance, inventory control, and customer relations management (CRM).

AtmComm is fully owned by ROC Consulting International (http://www.rocconsult.com) which registration number is 53078701J.